Mst Ruksana Sultana : Tulshimala Rice
“Tulshimala Rice is a kind of rice which is a present sensation of kitchen. It became popular last year, because of Md. Daloare Hossain brother’s personal branding and content writings. I knew about this rice from Daloare brother and become a regular customer of it.

Tulshimala rice mostly grows at Sherpur district of Mymensingh Division. Sherpur district’s branding stands for this Tulshimala rice, because this district is home of the Tulshimala rice. Many of people thought Tulshimala as ‘Atop’ rice, by which people make Polao, Biryani and others normally. But they are wrong.
The process tasty Tulshimala is just like normal rice processing. People can make steamed rice, polao, biryani, khichuri, Payesh and others by this rice. It helps to reduce gastric problem who could not tolerate rich food like polao or biryani. Tulshimala rice has a sweet smell like Atop rice, which helps to enrich the flavor of dishes like payesh, Kheer, biryani, polao, khichuri.
People are now making rice cake by this rice. Steamed Tulshimala rice is really very tasty and can enhance the flavor of other dishes too. No doubt that this rice become the district brand because of its benefits.”

Read more : About Tulshimala Rice.
Post source : Search English by Mst Ruksana Sultana