Hotel in Sherpur, Bangladesh
Do you need hotel information for Sherpur? In this article, we’ll share all the hotel in Sherpur, Bangladesh, with the Sherpur hotel list. Let’s start.
Sherpur hotel list
1. Hotel Shompod Plaza
2. Hotel Aysar Inn
In Sherpur, Mymensingh, there is a hotel called Hotel Ayshar Inn. The hotel is located close to Sherpur Sadar Thana in the main town. There are rooms with and without air conditioning. Parking and conference facilities are available. The rent for a single room 800 tk and 1200 BDT for a double room. 1500 tk rent for a single AC room, while a double AC room costs 1800 BDT. However, they lack restaurant pacility. You may reach them at, 093161135, and +8801799344810.
3. Hotel Abakash
In Sherpur, Hotel Abakash is a reasonably priced, well-regarded luxury hotel. It is situated in the Newmarket region. They also provide guests with restaurant service. The cost of a double room at this hotel is 800 BDT, and you may stay there for 550 BDT per person. Family rooms are available for 1200 BDT. The room service does not have air conditioning. Contact them at +8801792611592 and +8801711178191, please.